Retningslinjer for samsvar med GDPR. Vis i detalj

Betaling og retur


Bestillingen på et nettsted består av tjuefire timer om dagen. Etter å ha bestilt, vil vi kontakte deg.

Betaling av bestillingen skjer under forutsetning av 100% forskuddsbetaling for varene og levering.


Most of the goods are non-refundable because the goods are classified as non-refundable in Germany.

Please clarify the possibility of a refund before placing your order.

It is possible to cancel a purchase before placing an order and purchasing from a supplier in case of a special request to our e-mail address [email protected], where you need to provide the order number and article code of the product you have decided to cancel. The refund is made in 100% of the amount for the details specified in the letter of request.

To make a refund you should send a request to [email protected], after that you will need to send a DHL parcel to the specified address at your expense.